Authentication and Error Handling


For authentication and authorization of the endpoints the oauth protocol is used. This is an industry standard (See and is supported by many software languages and frameworks.

      consumer->>+authenticator: Get Auth Token
      authenticator->>-consumer: Auth Token
      consumer->>+producer: Request (with auth token)
      producer->>-consumer: Response


Each request will need a scope in the auth token. (TO BE DEFINED ) ….

eror handling

every request will use http response codes. 200 for a successful request, 400 for a unsuccesfull request, both with a response in JSON with more details of the warnings or errors.


#Bij PUT en PATCH met één object. HTTP status code 200
"status": 200"


Bij error : HTTP status 400, but with a json payload:

  "status": 6,
  "type": "error",
  "title": "A short, human-readable summary of the problem type, e.g. 'resource not found'",
  "detail": "An optional human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem."