Flow 0 : request catalogue from toetsafname applicatie

The deelnemer registratie(SIS) and toetsplanning can request to list of available exams/test from the toetsafname applications. This is input for those applications to plan and schedule exams/tests.

Flow 0.1 Request whole catalogue

Sequence diagram of Request whole catalogue

    participant DR/TP as Deelnemerreg/Toetsplanning
    participant TA as Toetsafname
    DR/TP->>TA: give me the test catalogue
    activate TA
    Note right of TA: endpoint /a/ooapi/components?type=test (GET)
    TA->>DR/TP: 200 - Here is the test catalogue!
    deactivate TA

Class diagram of response of Request whole catalogue

For each component (toets) the following entities and attributes are used:

    class Component {
    	componentId : UUID
      primaryCode : identifierEntity
      componentType : string
      name : languageTypedString[]
      abbreviation: string
      modeOfDelivery : modeOfDeliveryType
      duration: timeperiod
      description : languageTypedString[]
      teachingLanguage : string
      assessment : languageTypedString[]
      otherCodes : codeType & code[]
      organization : organisationId or Organization object
      consumers: nl-test-admin-Component
    class `nl-test-admin-Component` {
    	consumerKey : string = "nl-test-admin"
      additionalTestingTime : integer
      availablePersonalNeeds : PersonalNeedsType[]
      safety : string[]
      exam : boolean
      resultValueType : ResultValueType
      passFrom : string
      retries : integer
      status : TestStatusType
      licensed : boolean
    Component o-- `nl-test-admin-Component`

Example of response Request whole catalogue


     "componentId": "c5fca27e-ccc1-430d-9888-90e005ad6a86",
     "primaryCode": {
        "codeType": "componentCode",
        "code": "5"
     "componentType": "test",
     "name": [
           "language": "nl-NL",
           "value": "Rekenen 2F voor technische opleidingen"
     "abbreviation": "REK2F-TECH",
     "modeOfDelivery": [
     "duration": "PT60M",
     "description": [
           "language": "nl-NL",
           "value": "Rekentest MBO op niveau 2F toegespitst op technische opleidingen zoals procestechniek/machinebouw"
     "teachingLanguage": "nld",
     "assessment": [
           "language": "nl-NL",
           "value": "Digitale toetsing"
     "otherCodes": [
           "codeType": "testSystem",
           "code": "Remindo"
           "codeType": "testProvider",
           "code": "CEM"
     "organization": "452c1a86-a0af-475b-b03f-724878b0f387",
     "consumers": [
           "consumerKey": string = "nl-test-admin", 
           "additionalTestingTime": 30,
           "availablePersonalNeeds": [ "extraTime", "spoken", "spell-checker-on-screen" ],
           "safety": [ "securedComputer", "fixedLocation", "surveillance"],
           "exam": true,
           "resultValueType": "0.0-10.0",
           "passFrom": "5.5",
           "retries": 2,
           "status": "active"
           "licensed": true


Flow 0.2 Request details of one test

Sequence diagram of Request details of one test

    Toetsplanning->>Toetsafname: give me the details of test with id componentId
    activate Toetsafname
    Note right of Toetsafname: endpoint /a/ooapi/components/{componentId} (GET)
    Toetsafname->>Toetsplanning: 200 - Hier are the details!
    deactivate Toetsafname

Class diagram of response for Request whole catalogue

(see Class diagram in Flow 0.1)

Example of response for Request details of one test


     "componentId": "c5fca27e-ccc1-430d-9888-90e005ad6a86",
     "primaryCode": {
        "codeType": "componentCode",
        "code": "5"
     "componentType": "test",
     "name": [
           "language": "nl-NL",
           "value": "Rekenen 2F voor technische opleidingen"
     "abbreviation": "REK2F-TECH",
     "modeOfDelivery": [
     "duration": "PT60M",
     "description": [
           "language": "nl-NL",
           "value": "Rekentest MBO op niveau 2F toegespitst op technische opleidingen zoals procestechniek/machinebouw"
     "teachingLanguage": "nld",
     "assessment": [
           "language": "nl-NL",
           "value": "Digitale toetsing"
     "otherCodes": [
           "codeType": "testSystem",
           "code": "Remindo"
           "codeType": "testProvider",
           "code": "CEM"
     "organization": "452c1a86-a0af-475b-b03f-724878b0f387",
     "consumers": [
           "consumerKey": string = "nl-test-admin", 
           "additionalTestingTime": 30,
           "availablePersonalNeeds": [ ],
           "safety": [ ],
           "exam": true,
           "resultValueType": "0.0-10.0",
           "passFrom": "5.5",
           "retries": 2,
           "status": "active"
           "licensed": true