This flow supports the following flows / processes
Flow 1 is used to provide a test planning system with information on tests to be planned and the students/candidates that have to perform those tests. Usually a Student Information System (SIS) provides this information to a Test Planning System (TPS). The TPS uses this information to plan testmoments for tests, assign the required Test Execution System (TES) and test within that TES. Students are assigned to the test moments based on the logic and workflow of the TPS. It is also possible to assign employees (or staff members) to the test to be planned (planbare toets).
We distinguish two flows that can be used to plan tests:
Besides these two flows there is also a flow for additional supporting information on students and staff members and their education enrollments. This flow is optional since not all test planning and test execution software requires the additional information.
The SIS has information on tests s have to perform within a certain period (e.g. based on a course, or testing has to be done within a certain year or semester). The SIS has to assign each test that has to be planned by a TPS to that TPS.
A test can be created on many aggregation levels by the SIS. E.g.:
Depending on the aggregation level of the test the TPS has to perform only minimal planning or extensive planning.
Tests that are provided in a structured way to the TPS can also have results/scores reported back by TPS to SIS using Flow 5.
The consumer information provides sufficient information to allow for regrouping of the students to test moments. If necessary the TPS can use the API’s from the Additional supporting information flow to retrieve more student context from the SIS.
GET /ooapi/offerings?offeringType=component&component.componentType=test&since=..&until=..
GET /ooapi/offerings/{offeringId}
GET /ooapi/offerings/{offeringId}/associations
GET /ooapi/associations/{associationId}
expand funcationality is also needed on the associations to get the details of the offering and / or the person in the assocation
Supplied by SIS:
PUT /ooapi/offerings/{offeringId}
PATCH /ooapi/offerings/{offeringId}
PUT /ooapi/associations/{associationId}
PATCH /ooapi/associations/{associationId}
(to allow for cancellation of enrollment by the student/staff)When the TPS initiates a test moment there is no structured test information available from the SIS. The SIS provides API’s to retrieve student groups and group memberships as well as information on individual students/staff members.
The TPS can create test moments using this information and provide a TES with this data. However, because these test moments weren’t initiated by the SIS it’s not possible to transfer results/scores back to the SIS using flow 5. If required, these scores have to entered manually in the SIS.
GET /ooapi/groups?q=..
GET /ooapi/groups/{groupId}/members
GET /ooapi/persons/{personId}
GET /ooapi/groups/{groupId}
PUT /ooapi/groups/{groupId}
PUT /ooapi/groups/{groupId}/members/{personId}
Based on the id’s on students (and staff members) and their program offering associations, provided to the planning software in flows 1a or 1b, the planning software can retrieve additional student/staff and program association information.
GET /ooapi/persons/{personId}
GET /ooapi/associations/{associationId}?expand=offering.program
GET /ooapi/associations/{associationId}?expand=offering.program,offering.organization
GET /ooapi/organizations/{organizationId}?expand=parent
PUT /ooapi/persons/{personId}
PUT /ooapi/associations/{associationId}
PATCH /ooapi/associations/{associationId}
(to allow for cancellation of enrollment by the student/staff)sequenceDiagram
participant DeelnemerRegistratie
participant Toetsplanning
DeelnemerRegistratie-->>DeelnemerRegistratie: setup studyplan and tests/exams
Toetsplanning->>DeelnemerRegistratie : Give list of exams/test that need to be planned soon by me
activate DeelnemerRegistratie
Note right of DeelnemerRegistratie: endpoint /ooapi/offerings?componentType=TEST&since=..&until=.. (GET)
DeelnemerRegistratie->>Toetsplanning : 200 - please plan this!
deactivate DeelnemerRegistratie
loop for each exam/test
Toetsplanning->>DeelnemerRegistratie: Get list of associations (students & staff) for this offering
activate DeelnemerRegistratie
Note right of DeelnemerRegistratie: endpoint /ooapi/offerings/{offeringId}/associations (GET)
DeelnemerRegistratie->>Toetsplanning: 200 - Bedankt!
deactivate DeelnemerRegistratie
loop for each student / staff
Toetsplanning-->>DeelnemerRegistratie: Get details of a student / staff
activate DeelnemerRegistratie
Note right of DeelnemerRegistratie: endpoint /ooapi/associations/{associationId} (GET)
DeelnemerRegistratie-->>Toetsplanning: 200 - Bedankt!
deactivate DeelnemerRegistratie
participant DeelnemerRegistratie
participant Toetsplanning
DeelnemerRegistratie->>Toetsplanning: Alter enrollment for a student or staff (change association)
activate Toetsplanning
Note right of DeelnemerRegistratie: endpoint /ooapi/associations/{associationId} (PATCH)
Toetsplanning->>DeelnemerRegistratie: 200 Bedankt!
deactivate Toetsplanning
participant DeelnemerRegistratie
participant Toetsplanning
DeelnemerRegistratie->>Toetsplanning: Update offering (planbare toets)
activate Toetsplanning
Note right of DeelnemerRegistratie: endpoint /ooapi/offerings/{offeringId} (PATCH)
Toetsplanning->>DeelnemerRegistratie: 200 Bedankt!
deactivate Toetsplanning
class Association {
associationId : UUID
associationType : associationType
role : associationRole
state : state
consumers : nl-test-admin-Association
person : personId or Person
offering : offeringId
class `nl-test-admin-Association` {
consumerKey : string = "nl-test-admin"
additionalTimeInMin : int
personalNeeds : string[]
attempt : int
attemptLeft : int
programOfferingAssociationId : string
courseOfferingAssociationId : string
class Person {
personId : UUID
primaryCode : identifierEntity
givenName : string
surnamePrefix : string
surname : string
displayname : string
activeEnrollment : boolean
affiliations : personAffiliations
mail : string
languageOfChoice: string[]
otherCodes: identifierEntity[]
consumers : nl-test-admin-Person
class `nl-test-admin-Person` {
consumerKey : string = "nl-test-admin"
preferredName: string
assignedNeeds : AssignedNeedsEntry[]
idCheckName : string
class AssignedNeedsEntry {
code : string
description : LanguageTypedString[]
startDate : date-string
endDate : date-string
class Offering {
offeringId : UUID
Association -- Offering
Association o-- `nl-test-admin-Association`
Association -- Person
Person o-- `nl-test-admin-Person`
`nl-test-admin-Person` o-- AssignedNeedsEntry
The the since and until paramaters MUST be specified in in URL friendly format so: since=2023-07-31T22:00:00.000Z becomes since=2023-07-31T22%3A00%3A00%2E000Z
GET /ooapi/offerings?offeringType=component&component.componentType=test&since=..&until=..
"pageSize": 10,
"pageNumber": 1,
"hasPreviousPage": false,
"hasNextPage": true,
"totalPages": 8,
"offeringId": "0fdc8e82-eacf-412f-b5cb-1ba2fce589dc",
"primaryCode": {
"codeType": "identifier",
"code": "Rek3F2022-2S"
"offeringType": "component",
"name": "Rekenen 3F toetsing 2e semester 22/23",
"resultExpected": true,
"resultValueType": "0-100",
"consumers": [
"consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
"testsToBeUsed": [
"testProvider": "MBO-NED",
"componentId": "dfc9d973-42cf-46f3-bd18-f9b50492cdb5"
"startDateTime": "2022-06-21T12:45:00.000Z",
"endDateTime": "2022-07-23T13:45:00.000Z",
"component": {
"componentId": "59e5543d-105e-45d7-90ee-408660c35669",
"componentType": "test",
"primaryCode": "Rek3F",
"name": "Toetsing rekenen op niveau 3F"
"organization": {
"organizationID": "UUID",
"primaryCode": {
"codeType": "identifier",
"code": "EXAMB-KANAAL"
"name": [
"language": "nl-NL",
"value": "Examenbureau kanaaleiland"
GET /ooapi/offerings/{offeringId}/associations/
"pageSize": 10,
"pageNumber": 1,
"hasPreviousPage": false,
"hasNextPage": true,
"totalPages": 8,
"items": [
"associationId": "5a52f86b-edcd-4f7f-9ea9-c8617f6043b6",
"associationType": "componentOfferingAssociation",
"role": "student",
"state": "associated",
"consumers": [
"consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
"personalNeeds": [
"programOfferingAssociationId": "54e58f68-ceac-4845-99d5-caa721fefb88",
"courseOfferingAssociationId": "170b5f35-20be-47bf-96ff-d262d121b76b"
"person": "500e6ac0-b5ab-4071-a207-7983ccd26f7b",
"offering": "5ffc6127-debe-48ce-90ae-75ea80756475",
PUT /ooapi/offerings/{offeringId}
"offeringId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-134564174000",
"primaryCode": {
"codeType": "offeringCode",
"code": "Remindo_rekenen_MBO-3_op_woendag_middag_21-jun-22_om_13:00_in_lokaal_13"
"offeringType": "component",
"name": [
"language": "nl-NL",
"value": "20220621-12:45-Remindo rekenen MBO-3"
"description": [
"language": "nl-NL",
"value": "Beschrijving van 20220621-12:45-Remindo rekenen MBO-3"
"teachingLanguage": "nld",
"modeOfDelivery": [
"resultExpected": true,
"consumers": [
"consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
"testsToBeUsed": [
"testProvider": "MBO-NED",
"componentId": "dfc9d973-42cf-46f3-bd18-f9b50492cdb5"
"startDateTime": "2022-06-21T12:45:00.000Z",
"endDateTime": "2022-06-21T13:45:00.000Z"
PATCH /ooapi/offerings/{offeringId}
"offeringType": "component",
"endDateTime": "2022-06-21T13:45:00.000Z"
PUT /ooapi/associations/{associationId}
"associationId": "5a52f86b-edcd-4f7f-9ea9-c8617f6043b6",
"associationType": "componentOfferingAssociation",
"role": "student",
"state": "associated",
"consumers": [
"consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
"personalNeeds": [
"programOfferingAssociationId": "54e58f68-ceac-4845-99d5-caa721fefb88",
"courseOfferingAssociationId": "170b5f35-20be-47bf-96ff-d262d121b76b"
"person": "500e6ac0-b5ab-4071-a207-7983ccd26f7b",
"offering": "5ffc6127-debe-48ce-90ae-75ea80756475",
PATCH /ooapi/associations/{associationId}
"associationType": "programOfferingAssociation",
"state": "canceled",
participant DeelnemerRegistratie
participant Toetsplanning
Toetsplanning-->>Toetsplanning: do everything with plan
Toetsplanning->>DeelnemerRegistratie : Give list of groups matching having a name or code containing "H2b"
activate DeelnemerRegistratie
Note right of DeelnemerRegistratie: endpoint /ooapi/groups?q=H2b (GET)
DeelnemerRegistratie->>Toetsplanning : 200 - Here they are !
deactivate DeelnemerRegistratie
participant DeelnemerRegistratie
participant Toetsplanning
Toetsplanning-->>Toetsplanning: do everything with plan
Toetsplanning->>DeelnemerRegistratie : Give list of members for group with code "groupId"
activate DeelnemerRegistratie
Note right of DeelnemerRegistratie: endpoint /ooapi/groups/{groupId}/members (GET)
DeelnemerRegistratie->>Toetsplanning : 200 - Here they are !
deactivate DeelnemerRegistratie
participant DeelnemerRegistratie
participant Toetsplanning
Toetsplanning-->>Toetsplanning: do everything with plan
Toetsplanning->>DeelnemerRegistratie : Give me data of a person (student or staff)
activate DeelnemerRegistratie
Note right of DeelnemerRegistratie: endpoint /ooapi/persons/{personId} (GET)
DeelnemerRegistratie->>Toetsplanning : 200 - Here are the details on Jan for planning
deactivate DeelnemerRegistratie
class Group {
groupId : uuid-string
primaryCode : IdentifierEntry
groupType : string
name : string
description : LanguageTypedString[]
startDate : date-string
endDate : date-string
personCount : integer
otherCodes : IdentifierEntry[]
organization : organizationId or Organization object
GET /ooapi/groups?q=..
"pageSize": 10,
"pageNumber": 1,
"hasPreviousPage": false,
"hasNextPage": true,
"totalPages": 8,
"groupId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
"primaryCode": {
"codeType": "identifier",
"code": "1234qwe12"
"groupType": "learning group",
"name": [
"language": "en-GB",
"value": "statistics students"
"description": [
"language": "en-GB",
"value": "The group of students that follow statistics classes and related staff"
"startDate": "2020-08-17",
"endDate": "2020-12-18",
"personCount": 183,
"otherCodes": [
"codeType": "identifier",
"code": "1234qwe12"
"organization": "452c1a86-a0af-475b-b03f-724878b0f387"
class MembershipItem {
personId : uuid-string
startDateTime : datetime-string
endDateTime : datetime-string
state : string
role : string
GET /ooapi/groups/{groupId}/members
"pageSize": 10,
"pageNumber": 1,
"hasPreviousPage": false,
"hasNextPage": true,
"totalPages": 8,
"items": [
"personId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-122564174000",
"startDateTime": "2020-09-28T08:30:00+01:00",
"endDateTime": "2020-09-30T20:00:00+01:00",
"state": "active",
"role": "student",
GET /ooapi/persons/{personId}
"personId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
"primaryCode": {
"codeType": "identifier",
"code": "1234qwe12"
"givenName": "Maartje",
"surnamePrefix": "van",
"surname": "Damme",
"displayName": "Maartje van Damme",
"initials": "MCW",
"activeEnrollment": true,
"affiliations": [
"mail": "",
"languageOfChoice": [
"otherCodes": [
"codeType": "eckid",
"code": "00000"
"consumers": [
"consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
"preferredName": "Maar",
"assignedNeeds": {
"code": "extraTimeOnlyMath25%",
"description": [
"language": "nl-NL",
"value": "Extra tijd van 25% bij de totale tijd van een toets waarin rekenen voorkomt"
"startDate": "2023-10-25",
"endDate": "2025-09-30"
"idCheckName": "van Damme, Maartje"
GET /ooapi/groups/{groupId}
"groupId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
"primaryCode": {
"codeType": "identifier",
"code": "1234qwe12"
"groupType": "learning group",
"name": [
"language": "en-GB",
"value": "statistics students"
"description": [
"language": "en-GB",
"value": "The group of students that follow statistics classes and related staff"
"startDate": "2020-08-17",
"endDate": "2020-12-18",
"personCount": 183,
"otherCodes": [
"codeType": "identifier",
"code": "1234qwe12"
"organization": "452c1a86-a0af-475b-b03f-724878b0f387"
An optional method is allowed to provide information from the SIS to the TPS for creating groups and updating the members of these groups.
The creation and update of a group is done through a PUT operation.
PUT /ooapi/groups/{groupId}
"groupId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
"primaryCode": {
"codeType": "identifier",
"code": "1234qwe12"
"groupType": "learning group",
"name": [
"language": "en-GB",
"value": "statistics students"
"description": [
"language": "en-GB",
"value": "The group of students that follow statistics classes and related staff"
"startDate": "2020-08-17",
"endDate": "2020-12-18",
"personCount": 183,
"otherCodes": [
"codeType": "identifier",
"code": "1234qwe12"
"organization": "452c1a86-a0af-475b-b03f-724878b0f387"
Additionaly there is the option to add and update the members of a group. This is done by a PUT option containing the GroupId where membership items are to be updated. The update is done by using the personId of the person partaking in the group. There is no deletion option however the status of a person can be updated to canceled or the endDateTime can also be used to indicate the user will no longer be part of the group.
PUT /ooapi/groups/{groupId}/members/{personId}
"personId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-122564174000",
"startDateTime": "2020-09-28T08:30:00+01:00",
"endDateTime": "2020-09-30T20:00:00+01:00",
"state": "active",
"role": "student",
participant DeelnemerRegistratie
participant Toetsplanning
Toetsplanning-->>Toetsplanning: do everything with plan
Toetsplanning->>DeelnemerRegistratie : Give me data of a person (student or staff)
activate DeelnemerRegistratie
Note right of DeelnemerRegistratie: endpoint /ooapi/persons/{personId} (GET)
DeelnemerRegistratie->>Toetsplanning : 200 - Here are the details on Jan for planning
deactivate DeelnemerRegistratie
participant DeelnemerRegistratie
participant Toetsplanning
Toetsplanning-->>Toetsplanning: check if additional information is needed for an association (e.g offering information)
Toetsplanning->>DeelnemerRegistratie : Give more details on this association
activate DeelnemerRegistratie
Note right of DeelnemerRegistratie: endpoint /ooapi/associations/{associationId}?expand=offering (GET)
DeelnemerRegistratie->>Toetsplanning : 200 - here you are!
deactivate DeelnemerRegistratie
participant DeelnemerRegistratie
participant Toetsplanning
DeelnemerRegistratie-->>DeelnemerRegistratie: gather all students and push each student separately
loop for each student / staff
DeelnemerRegistratie->>Toetsplanning : Provide data of a person (student or staff)
activate Toetsplanning
Note right of DeelnemerRegistratie: endpoint /ooapi/persons/{personId} (PUT)
Toetsplanning->>DeelnemerRegistratie : 200 - Thank you
deactivate Toetsplanning
participant DeelnemerRegistratie
participant Toetsplanning
DeelnemerRegistratie-->>DeelnemerRegistratie: gather all associations needed for context of students as part of ad hoc planning
loop for each assocation (top level)
DeelnemerRegistratie->>Toetsplanning : Provide top level association of a student (program association!)
activate Toetsplanning
Note right of DeelnemerRegistratie: endpoint /ooapi/associations/{associationId} (PUT)
Toetsplanning->>DeelnemerRegistratie : 200 - Thank you
deactivate Toetsplanning
class ProgramOffering {
offeringId : uuid-string
primaryCode : IdentifierEntry
offeringType : string = "program"
name : LanguageTypedString[]
description : LanguageTypedString[]
teachingLanguage : string
resultExpected : boolean
consumers : nl-test-admin-Offering
startDate : date-string
endDate : date-string
program : programId or Program object
organization : organizationId or Organization object
class `nl-test-admin-Offering` {
consumerKey : string = "nl-test-admin"
cohort : string
location : string[]
class Organization {
organizationId : uuid-string
primaryCode : IdentifierEntry
organizationType : string
name : string
description : LanguageTypedString[]
addresses : Address object[]
link : uri-string
logo : uri-string
otherCodes : IdentifierEntry[]
parent : organizationId or Organization object
children : organizationId[] or Organization object[]
validFrom : date-string
validTo : date-string
ProgramOffering o-- `nl-test-admin-Offering`
ProgramOffering -- Organization
Warning: next part will change. No list of offerings will be given.
GET /ooapi/offerings/{offeringId}?expand=organization
"offeringId": "5ffc6127-debe-48ce-90ae-75ea80756475",
"primaryCode": {
"codeType": "identifier",
"code": "25190BOL"
"offeringType": "program",
"name": "Netwerk- en mediabeheerder BOL (25190)",
"consumers": [
"consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
"cohort": "2022-2023",
"location": "Campus Groningen",
"organization": {
"organizationID": "38bdbeb1-12b2-48fd-84f8-653e7adfaf99",
"primaryCode": {
"codeType": "identifier",
"code": "ICTE"
"organizationType": "department",
"name": [
"language": "nl-NL",
"value": "ICT-academie"
"shortname": "ICTA",
"parent": {
"organizationID": "650e1627-9f3d-4176-ab5a-e82eef0d219d",
"primaryCode": {
"codeType": "identifier",
"code": "CICT"
"name": [
"language": "nl-NL",
"value": "Cluster ICT en EIS"
class Association {
associationId : UUID
associationType : associationType
role : associationRole
state : state
consumers : nl-test-admin-Association
person : personId or Person object
offering : offeringId
class `nl-test-admin-Association` {
consumerKey : string = "nl-test-admin"
startDate: date-string
expectedEndDate: date-string
finalEndDate: date-string
sequenceCode: string
class Person {
personId : UUID
primaryCode : identifierEntity
givenName : string
surnamePrefix : string
surname : string
displayname : string
activeEnrollment : boolean
affiliations : personAffiliations
mail : string
languageOfChoice: string[]
otherCodes: identifierEntity[]
consumers : nl-test-admin-Person
class `nl-test-admin-Person` {
consumerKey : string = "nl-test-admin"
preferredName: string
assignedNeeds : AssignedNeedsEntry[]
idCheckName : string
class AssignedNeedsEntry {
code : string
description : LanguageTypedString[]
startDate : date-string
endDate : date-string
class ProgramOffering {
offeringId : uuid-string
primaryCode : IdentifierEntry
offeringType : string = "program"
name : LanguageTypedString[]
description : LanguageTypedString[]
teachingLanguage : string
resultExpected : boolean
consumers : nl-test-admin-Offering
startDate : date-string
endDate : date-string
program : programId or Program object
organization : organizationId or Organization object
class `nl-test-admin-Offering` {
consumerKey : string = "nl-test-admin"
cohort : string
location : string[]
class Organization {
organizationId : uuid-string
primaryCode : IdentifierEntry
organizationType : string
name : string
description : LanguageTypedString[]
addresses : Address object[]
link : uri-string
logo : uri-string
otherCodes : IdentifierEntry[]
parent : organizationId or Organization object
children : organizationId[] or Organization object[]
validFrom : date-string
validTo : date-string
class Program {
programId : uuid-string
primaryCode : IdentifierEntry
programType : string
name : LanguageTypedString[]
abbreviation : string
description : LanguageTypedString[]
teachingLanguage : string
modeOfStudy : string
duration: string
firstStartDate : date-string
levelOfQualification : string
otherCodes : IdentifierEntry[]
validFrom : date-string
validTo : date-string
ProgramOffering o-- `nl-test-admin-Offering`
ProgramOffering -- Organization
ProgramOffering -- Program
Association o-- `nl-test-admin-Association`
Association -- Person
Association -- ProgramOffering
Person o-- `nl-test-admin-Person`
`nl-test-admin-Person` o-- AssignedNeedsEntry
Warning : next lines will change. only known associations are requested, no lists with wildcards
GET /ooapi/associations/{associationId}?expand=offering.program
"associationId": "54e58f68-ceac-4845-99d5-caa721fefb88",
"associationType": "programOfferingAssociation",
"primaryCode": {
"codeType": "opleidingsblad",
"code": "1.1"
"role": "student",
"state": "associated",
"otherCodes": [
"codeType": "opleidingscode",
"code": "23089"
"consumers": [
"consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
"startDate": "2021-09-01",
"expectedEndDate": "2025-07-31",
"finalEndDate": null
"sequenceCode": "1.1"
"person": "500e6ac0-b5ab-4071-a207-7983ccd26f7b",
"offeringId": "5ffc6127-debe-48ce-90ae-75ea80756475",
"primaryCode": {
"codeType": "identifier",
"code": "25190BOL"
"offeringType": "program",
"name": "Netwerk- en mediabeheerder BOL (25190)",
"consumers": [
"consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
"cohort": "2022-2023",
"location": ["Campus Eindhoven"]
"program": {
"programId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
"primaryCode": {
"codeType": "identifier",
"code": "C12063128"
"programType": "program",
"name": [
"language": "nl-NL",
"value": "Netwerk- en mediabeheerder"
"abbreviation": "N&M",
"description": [
"language": "nl-NL",
"value": "In deze MBO-opleiding word je opgeleid voor het officieel erkende diploma 'MBO Netwerkbeheerder, niveau 4'. Met dit diploma ben je breed opgeleid en kun je het netwerk van een organisatie beheren. Dit is hét diploma voor de professionele netwerkbeheerder op het hoogste MBO-niveau. Je legt een uitstekende basis voor een mooie carrière als netwerkbeheerder. Bovendien is dit een diploma waarmee je eventueel probleemloos kunt doorstuderen naar een HBO-opleiding"
"teachingLanguage": "nld",
"modeOfStudy": "full-time" #moved from assocation consumer
"levelOfQualification": "4", # from association consumer
"organization": "38bdbeb1-12b2-48fd-84f8-653e7adfaf99"
GET /ooapi/associations/{associationId}?expand=offering.program,offering.organization
"associationId": "54e58f68-ceac-4845-99d5-caa721fefb88",
"associationType": "programOfferingAssociation",
"primaryCode": {
"codeType": "opleidingsblad",
"code": "1.1"
"role": "student",
"state": "associated",
"otherCodes": [
"codeType": "opleidingscode",
"code": "23089"
"consumers": [
"consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
"startDate": "2021-09-01",
"expectedEndDate": "2025-07-31",
"finalEndDate": null
"sequenceCode": "1.1"
"person": "500e6ac0-b5ab-4071-a207-7983ccd26f7b",
"offeringId": "5ffc6127-debe-48ce-90ae-75ea80756475",
"primaryCode": {
"codeType": "identifier",
"code": "25190BOL"
"offeringType": "program",
"name": "Netwerk- en mediabeheerder BOL (25190)",
"consumers": [
"consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
"cohort": "2022-2023",
"location": ["Campus Eindhoven"]
"program": {
"programId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
"primaryCode": {
"codeType": "identifier",
"code": "C12063128"
"programType": "program",
"name": [
"language": "nl-NL",
"value": "Netwerk- en mediabeheerder"
"abbreviation": "N&M",
"description": [
"language": "nl-NL",
"value": "In deze MBO-opleiding word je opgeleid voor het officieel erkende diploma 'MBO Netwerkbeheerder, niveau 4'. Met dit diploma ben je breed opgeleid en kun je het netwerk van een organisatie beheren. Dit is hét diploma voor de professionele netwerkbeheerder op het hoogste MBO-niveau. Je legt een uitstekende basis voor een mooie carrière als netwerkbeheerder. Bovendien is dit een diploma waarmee je eventueel probleemloos kunt doorstuderen naar een HBO-opleiding"
"teachingLanguage": "nld",
"modeOfStudy": "full-time" #moved from assocation consumer
"levelOfQualification": "4", # from association consumer
"organization": {
"organizationID": "38bdbeb1-12b2-48fd-84f8-653e7adfaf99",
"primaryCode": {
"codeType": "identifier",
"code": "ICTE"
"organizationType": "department",
"name": [
"language": "nl-NL",
"value": "ICT-academie"
"shortname": "ICTA",
"parent": "organizationID": "650e1627-9f3d-4176-ab5a-e82eef0d219d"
GET /ooapi/organizations/{organizationId}?expand=parent
"organizationID": "38bdbeb1-12b2-48fd-84f8-653e7adfaf99",
"primaryCode": {
"codeType": "identifier",
"code": "ICTE"
"organizationType": "department",
"name": [
"language": "nl-NL",
"value": "ICT-academie"
"shortname": "ICTA",
"parent": {
"organizationID": "650e1627-9f3d-4176-ab5a-e82eef0d219d",
"primaryCode": {
"codeType": "identifier",
"code": "CICT"
"name": [
"language": "nl-NL",
"value": "Cluster ICT en EIS"
PUT /ooapi/persons/{personId}
"personId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
"primaryCode": {
"codeType": "identifier",
"code": "1234qwe12"
"givenName": "Maartje",
"surnamePrefix": "van",
"surname": "Damme",
"displayName": "Maartje van Damme",
"initials": "MCW",
"activeEnrollment": true,
"affiliations": [
"mail": "",
"languageOfChoice": [
"otherCodes": [
"codeType": "eckid",
"code": "00000"
"consumers": [
"consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
"preferredName": "Maar",
"assignedNeeds": {
"code": "extraTimeOnlyMath25%",
"description": [
"language": "nl-NL",
"value": "Extra tijd van 25% bij de totale tijd van een toets waarin rekenen voorkomt"
"startDate": "2023-10-25",
"endDate": "2025-09-30"
"idCheckName": "van Damme, Maartje"
Taking into account all possible mandatory attributes and all possible expands. When less expands are provided by the sender, the sender has to provide get API’s for those entities (offering, program, organization )
PUT /ooapi/associations/{associationId}
"associationType": "programOfferingAssociation",
"role": "student",
"state": "associated",
"consumers": [
"consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
"sequenceCode": "1.1",
"startDate": "2021-09-01",
"expectedEndDate": "2025-07-31",
"finalEndDate": null
"person": "500e6ac0-b5ab-4071-a207-7983ccd26f7b",
"offering": {
"offeringId": "5ffc6127-debe-48ce-90ae-75ea80756475",
"primaryCode": {
"codeType": "offeringCode",
"code": "25190BOL"
"offeringType": "program",
"name": "Netwerk- en mediabeheerder BOL (25190)",
"description": [
"language": "nl-NL",
"value": "In deze MBO-opleiding word je opgeleid voor het officieel erkende diploma 'MBO Netwerkbeheerder, niveau 4'. Met dit diploma ben je breed opgeleid en kun je het netwerk van een organisatie beheren. Dit is hét diploma voor de professionele netwerkbeheerder op het hoogste MBO-niveau. Je legt een uitstekende basis voor een mooie carrière als netwerkbeheerder. Bovendien is dit een diploma waarmee je eventueel probleemloos kunt doorstuderen naar een HBO-opleiding"
"teachingLanguage": "nld",
"resultExpected": false,
"consumers": [
"consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
"locationCode": "A-12a",
"cohort": "2021"
"startDate": "1900-01-01",
"endDate": "2999-12-31",
"program": {
"programId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
"primaryCode": {
"codeType": "identifier",
"code": "C12063128"
"programType": "program",
"description": [
"language": "nl-NL",
"value": "In deze MBO-opleiding word je opgeleid voor het officieel erkende diploma 'MBO Netwerkbeheerder, niveau 4'. Met dit diploma ben je breed opgeleid en kun je het netwerk van een organisatie beheren. Dit is hét diploma voor de professionele netwerkbeheerder op het hoogste MBO-niveau. Je legt een uitstekende basis voor een mooie carrière als netwerkbeheerder. Bovendien is dit een diploma waarmee je eventueel probleemloos kunt doorstuderen naar een HBO-opleiding"
"name": [
"language": "nl-NL",
"value": "Netwerk- en mediabeheerder"
"otherCodes": [
"codeType": "nationalEducationCode",
"code": "23089"
"abbreviation": "N&M",
"teachingLanguage": "nld",
"modeOfStudy": "full-time",
"levelOfQualification": "4"
"organization": {
"organizationID": "38bdbeb1-12b2-48fd-84f8-653e7adfaf99",
"primaryCode": {
"codeType": "identifier",
"code": "ICTE"
"organizationType": "department",
"name": [
"language": "nl-NL",
"value": "ICT-academie"
"shortName": "ICT-academie",
"parent": {
"organizationID": "650e1627-9f3d-4176-ab5a-e82eef0d219d",
"primaryCode": {
"codeType": "identifier",
"code": "CICT"
"organizationType": "institute",
"name": [
"language": "nl-NL",
"value": "Cluster ICT en EIS"
"shortName": "C-ICT&EIS"
for example of PATCH see 1.1