The flow supports 7 different processes:
Used endpoints for this flow are:
GET /offerings/{offeringId}
PUT /offerings/{offeringId}
PATCH /ooapi/offerings/{offeringId}
GET /offerings/{offeringId}/associations
PUT /associations/{associationId}
PATCH /ooapi/associations/{associationId}
GET /associations/{associationId}/url
Toetsplanning->>Toetsafname: Create offering (zitting)
activate Toetsafname
Note right of Toetsafname: endpoint /ooapi/offerings/{offeringId} (PUT)
Toetsafname->>Toetsplanning: 200 - Thanks!
deactivate Toetsafname
For the offering (zitting) the following entities and attributes are used:
class Offering {
offeringId : UUID
primaryCode : identifierEntity
offeringType : OfferingType = "component"
name : languageTypedString[]
description : languageTypedString[]
teachingLanguage : string
modeOfDelivery : string
resultExpected : boolean
consumers : nl-test-admin-Offering
startDateTime : datetime
endDateTime : datetime
component : string
class `nl-test-admin-Offering` {
consumerKey : string = "nl-test-admin"
duration : integer
lastPossibleStartTime : date-time
startOptions : string
durtionFrom : string
durationUntil : string
safety : string
offeringState : OfferingStateType
locationCode : string
Offering o-- `nl-test-admin-Offering`
PUT /ooapi/offerings/{offeringId}
"offeringId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-134564174000",
"primaryCode": {
"codeType": "offeringCode",
"code": "Remindo_rekenen_MBO-3_op_woendag_middag_21-jun-22_om_13:00_in_lokaal_13"
"offeringType": "component",
"name": [
"language": "nl-NL",
"value": "20220621-12:45-Remindo rekenen MBO-3"
"description": [
"language": "nl-NL",
"value": "Beschrijving van 20220621-12:45-Remindo rekenen MBO-3"
"teachingLanguage": "nld",
"modeOfDelivery": [
"resultExpected": true,
"consumers": [
"consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
"duration": "PT60M", #je hebt duration nodig als je flexibele periodes hebt 60 minutes in dit geval.
"safety": ["fixedLocation", "surveillance"]
"offeringState": "active",
"startDateTime": "2022-06-21T12:45:00.000Z",
"endDateTime": "2022-06-21T13:45:00.000Z"
For date-time elements we work with full date time including time-zone information: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD (eg 1997-07-16T19:20:30+01:00)
The consumer fields for duration and the various tiem indicators allow for the following scenarios:
Scenario Nummmer | Scenario | startDateTime | entryDateTime | endDateTime | duration | startOptions | durationFrom | durationUntil |
1 | Testmomement starts at 9:00 and ends at 10:00. Candidates can start test at any moment during test moment | 2022-11-15T09:00T12:45:00.000Z | 2022-11-15T10:00:00.000Z | PT40M (40 minutes + 10 minutes for extra time) | individualStart | individualStartDateTime | endDateTime | |
2 | Testmoment starts at 9:00 and ends at 10:00. Candidates can start until 09:15 | 2022-11-15T09:00:00.000Z | 2022-11-15T09:15:00.000Z | 2022-11-15T10:00:00.000Z | PT40M (40 minutes + 10 minutes for extra time) | individualStart | individualStartDateTime | endDateTime |
3 | Testmoment starts at 9:00 and ends at 10:00. Candidates can start until 09:30 and can always finish their test | 2022-11-15T09:00:00.000Z | 2022-11-15T09:30:00.000Z | 2022-11-15T10:00:00.000Z | PT40M (40 minutes + 10 minutes for extra time) | individualStart | individualStartDateTime | testDuration |
4 | Testmoment starts at 9:00. Candidates can start later. Testduration from start of testmoment | 2022-11-15T09:00:00.000Z | 2022-11-15T10:00:00.000Z | PT40M (40 minutes + 10 minutes for extra time) | indivdualStart | startDateTime | null | |
5 | Testmoment starts at 9:00. Candidates can start when superviser releases testmoment. Testduration is from releasemoment | 2022-11-15T09:00:00.000Z | 2022-11-15T10:00:00.000Z | PT40M (40 minutes + 10 minutes for extra time) | triggeredStart | triggeredStartDateTime | testDuration | |
6 | Practice can be started by candidates until one hour before end of the practice period | 2022-11-15T08:00:00.000Z | 2022-11-15T21:00:00.000Z | 2022-11-15T22:00:00.000Z | PT40M (40 minutes + 10 minutes for extra time) | individualStart | individualStartDateTime | testDuration |
Toetsplanning->>Toetsafname: A. Create offering (zitting)
activate Toetsafname
Note right of Toetsafname: endpoint /ooapi/offerings/{offeringId} (PUT)
Toetsafname->>Toetsplanning: 200 -Bedankt!
deactivate Toetsafname
loop for each student/medewerker
Toetsplanning->>Toetsafname: B. Add student to created offering (zitting)
activate Toetsafname
Note right of Toetsafname: endpoint /ooapi/associations/{associationId} (PUT)
Toetsafname->>Toetsplanning: 200 - Bedankt!
deactivate Toetsafname
(see Class diagram in Flow 2.1)
(see Example in Flow 2.1)
class Association {
associationId : UUID
associationType : associationType
role : associationRole
state : state
consumers : nl-test-admin-Association
# result : Result
person : personId or Person
offering : offeringId
class `nl-test-admin-Association` {
consumerKey : string = "nl-test-admin"
additionalTimeInMin : int
personalNeeds : string[]
class Person {
personId : UUID
primaryCode : identifierEntity
givenName : string
surnamePrefix : string
surname : string
displayname : string
activeEnrollment : boolean
affiliations : personAffiliations
mail : string
languageOfChoice: string[]
otherCodes: identifierEntity[]
consumers : nl-test-admin-Person
class `nl-test-admin-Person` {
consumerKey : string = "nl-test-admin"
preferredName: string
idCheckName : string
Association o-- `nl-test-admin-Association`
Association -- Person
Person o-- `nl-test-admin-Person`
PUT endpoint /ooapi/associations/{associationId}
# offeringId = "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-134564174000"
# associationId = "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"
"person": {
"personId": "111-2222-33-4444-222",
"codeType": "studentNumber",
"code": "1234567"
"givenName": "Maartje",
"surnamePrefix": "van",
"surname": "Damme",
"displayName": "Maartje van Damme",
"activeEnrollment": true,
"mail": "",
"languageOfChoice": [
"otherCodes": [
"codeType": "eckid",
"code": "00000"
"consumers": [
"consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
"preferredName": "Maar",
"idCheckName": "van Damme, Maartje"
"offering": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-134564174000",
"associationType": "componentOfferingAssociation",
"role": "student",
"state": "associated",
"consumers": [
"consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
"additionalTimeInMin": 30,
"personalNeeds": [
loop for each student
Toetsplanning->>Toetsafname: Add student to existing offering (zitting)
activate Toetsafname
Note right of Toetsafname: endpoint /ooapi/associations/{associationId} (PUT)
Toetsafname->>Toetsplanning: 200 - Bedankt!
deactivate Toetsafname
(see Class diagram in Flow 2.2)
PUT endpoint /ooapi/associations/{associationId}
# offeringId = "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-134564174000"
# associationId = "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174001"
"person": {
"personId": "111-2222-33-4444-333",
"codeType": "studentNumber",
"code": "1234568"
"givenName": "Klaas",
"preferredName": "Klaassie",
"surnamePrefix": "van",
"surname": "Dijk",
"displayName": "Klaas van Dijk",
"activeEnrollment": true,
"mail": "",
"languageOfChoice": [
"otherCodes": [
"codeType": "eckid",
"code": "00000"
"consumers": [
"consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
"preferredName": "Maar",
"idCheckName": "van Damme, Maartje"
"offering": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-134564174000",
"associationType": "componentOfferingAssociation",
"role": "student",
"state": "associated",
"consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
"extraTimeInMin": 0,
"personalNeeds": [ ]
loop for each student
Toetsplanning->>Toetsafname: Delete student from offering (zitting)
activate Toetsafname
Note right of Toetsafname: endpoint /ooapi/associations/{associationId} (PATCH state canceled)
Toetsafname->>Toetsplanning: 200 - Bedankt!
deactivate Toetsafname
For the deletion of a association (deelname) from the offering (zitting) the following entities and attributes are used:
class Association {
state : string = "canceled"
PATCH endpoint /ooapi/associations/{associationId}
# offeringId = "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-134564174000"
# associationId = "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174001"
"associationType": "componentOfferingAssociation",
"state": "canceled"
Toetsplanning->>Toetsafname: Delete offering (zitting)
activate Toetsafname
Note right of Toetsafname: endpoint /ooapi/offerings/{offeringId} (PATCH offeringState canceled)
Toetsafname->>Toetsplanning: 200 Bedankt!
deactivate Toetsafname
class Offering {
consumers : nl-test-admin-Offering
class `nl-test-admin-Offering` {
consumerKey : string = "nl-test-admin"
offeringState : OfferingStateType = "canceled"
Offering o-- `nl-test-admin-Offering`
PATCH endpoint /ooapi/offerings/{offeringId}
# offeringId = "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-134564174000"
"offeringType": "component",
"consumers": [
"consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
"offeringState": "canceled"
To see/check the current state of the offering (zitting) with its associations the following endpoint can be used at Toetsafname
Toetsplanning->>Toetsafname: A. Read current state of the offering (zitting)
activate Toetsafname
Note right of Toetsafname: endpoint /ooapi/offerings/{offeringId} (GET)
Toetsafname->>Toetsplanning: 200 - here it is!
Toetsplanning->>Toetsafname: B. Read the students and employees for offering (zitting)
activate Toetsafname
Note right of Toetsafname: endpoint /ooapi/offerings/{offeringId}/associations (GET)
Toetsafname->>Toetsplanning: 200 - here they are!
deactivate Toetsafname
GET /ooapi/offerings/{offeringId}
"offeringId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-134564174000",
"primaryCode": {
"codeType": "offeringCode",
"code": "Remindo_rekenen_MBO-3_op_woendag_middag_21-jun-22_om_13:00_in_lokaal_13"
"offeringType": "component",
"name": [
"language": "nl-NL",
"value": "20220621-12:45-Remindo rekenen MBO-3"
"description": [
"language": "nl-NL",
"value": "Beschrijving van 20220621-12:45-Remindo rekenen MBO-3"
"teachingLanguage": "nld",
"modeOfDelivery": [
"resultExpected": true,
"consumers": [
"consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
"duration": 60, #je hebt duration nodig als je flexibele periodes hebt.
"safety": ["fixedLocation", "surveillance"]
"offeringState": "active",
"startDateTime": "2022-06-21T12:45:00",
"endDateTime": "2022-06-21T13:45:00"
GET /ooapi/offerings/{offeringId}/associations
"pageSize": 10,
"pageNumber": 1,
"hasPreviousPage": false,
"hasNextPage": false,
"totalPages": 8,
"items": [
"associationId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
"associationType": "componentOfferingAssociation",
"role": "student",
"state": "associated",
"consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
"attendance": "notKnown",
"extraTimeInMin": 30,
"personalNeeds": [
"person": {
"personId": "111-2222-33-4444-222",
"codeType": "studentNumber",
"code": "1234567"
"givenName": "Maartje",
"surnamePrefix": "van",
"surname": "Damme",
"displayName": "Maartje van Damme",
"activeEnrollment": true,
"mail": "",
"languageOfChoice": [
"otherCodes": [
"codeType": "eckid",
"code": "00000"
"consumers": [
"consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
"preferredName": "Maar",
"idCheckName": "van Damme, Maartje"
"offering": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-134564174000",
To get the startup url for a person attending a specific flow the URL that is part of the offering assocation can be requested
Toetsplanning->>Toetsafname: A. Obtain the URL for the specific person - offering combination
activate Toetsafname
Note right of Toetsafname: endpoint /associations/{associationId}/url (GET)
Toetsafname->>Toetsplanning: 200 - here it is!
deactivate Toetsafname
GET /associations/{associationId}/url