Flow 2 : Transfer offering (zitting) to Toetsafname

The flow supports 7 different processes:

Used endpoints for this flow are:

Flow 2.1 : Create offering (zitting) without students

Sequence diagram of request Create offering (zitting)

    Toetsplanning->>Toetsafname: Create offering (zitting)
    activate Toetsafname
    Note right of Toetsafname: endpoint /ooapi/offerings/{offeringId} (PUT)
    Toetsafname->>Toetsplanning: 200 - Thanks!
    deactivate Toetsafname

Class diagram of request Create offering (zitting)

For the offering (zitting) the following entities and attributes are used:

    class Offering {
    	offeringId : UUID
		primaryCode : identifierEntity
		offeringType : OfferingType = "component"
		name : languageTypedString[]
		description : languageTypedString[]
		teachingLanguage : string
		modeOfDelivery : string
		resultExpected : boolean
		consumers : nl-test-admin-Offering
		startDateTime : datetime
		endDateTime : datetime
		component : string
    class `nl-test-admin-Offering` {
    	consumerKey : string = "nl-test-admin"
		duration : integer
		lastPossibleStartTime : date-time
		startOptions : string
		durtionFrom : string
		durationUntil : string
		safety : string
		offeringState : OfferingStateType
		locationCode : string
    Offering o-- `nl-test-admin-Offering`

Example of request Create offering (zitting)

PUT /ooapi/offerings/{offeringId}

   "offeringId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-134564174000",
   "primaryCode": {
      "codeType": "offeringCode",
      "code": "Remindo_rekenen_MBO-3_op_woendag_middag_21-jun-22_om_13:00_in_lokaal_13"
   "offeringType": "component",
   "name": [
         "language": "nl-NL",
         "value": "20220621-12:45-Remindo rekenen MBO-3"
   "description": [
         "language": "nl-NL",
         "value": "Beschrijving van 20220621-12:45-Remindo rekenen MBO-3"
   "teachingLanguage": "nld",
   "modeOfDelivery": [
   "resultExpected": true,
   "consumers": [
	    "consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
	    "duration": "PT60M",  #je hebt duration nodig als je flexibele periodes hebt 60 minutes in dit geval.
	    "safety": ["fixedLocation", "surveillance"]
	    "offeringState": "active",
   "startDateTime": "2022-06-21T12:45:00.000Z",
   "endDateTime": "2022-06-21T13:45:00.000Z"


The consumer fields for duration and the various tiem indicators allow for the following scenarios:

Scenario Nummmer Scenario startDateTime entryDateTime endDateTime duration startOptions durationFrom durationUntil
1 Testmomement starts at 9:00 and ends at 10:00. Candidates can start test at any moment during test moment 2022-11-15T09:00T12:45:00.000Z   2022-11-15T10:00:00.000Z PT40M (40 minutes + 10 minutes for extra time) individualStart individualStartDateTime endDateTime
2 Testmoment starts at 9:00 and ends at 10:00. Candidates can start until 09:15 2022-11-15T09:00:00.000Z 2022-11-15T09:15:00.000Z 2022-11-15T10:00:00.000Z PT40M (40 minutes + 10 minutes for extra time) individualStart individualStartDateTime endDateTime
3 Testmoment starts at 9:00 and ends at 10:00. Candidates can start until 09:30 and can always finish their test 2022-11-15T09:00:00.000Z 2022-11-15T09:30:00.000Z 2022-11-15T10:00:00.000Z PT40M (40 minutes + 10 minutes for extra time) individualStart individualStartDateTime testDuration
4 Testmoment starts at 9:00. Candidates can start later. Testduration from start of testmoment 2022-11-15T09:00:00.000Z   2022-11-15T10:00:00.000Z PT40M (40 minutes + 10 minutes for extra time) indivdualStart startDateTime null
5 Testmoment starts at 9:00. Candidates can start when superviser releases testmoment. Testduration is from releasemoment 2022-11-15T09:00:00.000Z   2022-11-15T10:00:00.000Z PT40M (40 minutes + 10 minutes for extra time) triggeredStart triggeredStartDateTime testDuration
6 Practice can be started by candidates until one hour before end of the practice period 2022-11-15T08:00:00.000Z 2022-11-15T21:00:00.000Z 2022-11-15T22:00:00.000Z PT40M (40 minutes + 10 minutes for extra time) individualStart individualStartDateTime testDuration

Flow 2.2 : Create offering (zitting) with students

Sequence diagram of Create offering (zitting) with students

    Toetsplanning->>Toetsafname: A. Create offering (zitting)
    activate Toetsafname
    Note right of Toetsafname: endpoint /ooapi/offerings/{offeringId} (PUT)
    Toetsafname->>Toetsplanning: 200 -Bedankt!
    deactivate Toetsafname
    loop for each student/medewerker
        Toetsplanning->>Toetsafname: B. Add student to created offering (zitting)
        activate Toetsafname
        Note right of Toetsafname: endpoint /ooapi/associations/{associationId} (PUT)
        Toetsafname->>Toetsplanning: 200 - Bedankt!
    deactivate Toetsafname

Class diagram of request A. Create offering (zitting)

(see Class diagram in Flow 2.1)

Example of request A. Create offering (zitting)

(see Example in Flow 2.1)

Class diagram of request B. Add student to created offering (zitting)

    class Association {
    	associationId : UUID
		associationType : associationType
		role : associationRole
		state : state
		consumers : nl-test-admin-Association
	#	result : Result
		person : personId or Person
		offering : offeringId
    class `nl-test-admin-Association` {
    	consumerKey : string = "nl-test-admin"
		additionalTimeInMin : int
		personalNeeds : string[]
    class Person {
		personId : UUID
		primaryCode : identifierEntity
		givenName : string
		surnamePrefix : string 
		surname : string
		displayname : string
		activeEnrollment : boolean 
		affiliations : personAffiliations
		mail : string
		languageOfChoice: string[]
		otherCodes: identifierEntity[]
		consumers : nl-test-admin-Person

    class `nl-test-admin-Person` {
    	consumerKey : string = "nl-test-admin"
        preferredName: string
	    idCheckName : string

    Association o-- `nl-test-admin-Association`
    Association -- Person
    Person o-- `nl-test-admin-Person`

Example of request B. Add student to created offering (zitting)

PUT endpoint /ooapi/associations/{associationId}

# offeringId = "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-134564174000"
# associationId = "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"

    "person": {
		"personId": "111-2222-33-4444-222",
			"codeType": "studentNumber",
			"code": "1234567"
		"givenName": "Maartje",
		"surnamePrefix": "van",
		"surname": "Damme",
		"displayName": "Maartje van Damme",
		"activeEnrollment": true,
		"mail": "vandamme.mcw@student.roc.nl",
		"languageOfChoice":	[
		"otherCodes": [
				"codeType": "eckid",
				"code": "00000"
		"consumers": [
				"consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
				"preferredName": "Maar",
				"idCheckName": "van Damme, Maartje"
    "offering": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-134564174000",
    "associationType": "componentOfferingAssociation",
    "role": "student",
    "state": "associated",
    "consumers": [
			"consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
			"additionalTimeInMin": 30,
			"personalNeeds": [


Flow 2.3 : Add students to existing offering (zitting)

Sequence diagram of request Add student to existing offering (zitting)

    loop for each student
        Toetsplanning->>Toetsafname: Add student to existing offering (zitting)
        activate Toetsafname
        Note right of Toetsafname: endpoint /ooapi/associations/{associationId} (PUT)
        Toetsafname->>Toetsplanning: 200 - Bedankt!
    deactivate Toetsafname

Class diagram of request Add student to existing offering (zitting)

(see Class diagram in Flow 2.2)

Example of request Add student to existing offering (zitting)

PUT endpoint /ooapi/associations/{associationId}

# offeringId = "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-134564174000"
# associationId = "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174001"

    "person": {
	"personId": "111-2222-33-4444-333",
	    "codeType": "studentNumber",
	    "code": "1234568"
	"givenName": "Klaas",
	"preferredName": "Klaassie",
	"surnamePrefix": "van",
	"surname": "Dijk",
	"displayName": "Klaas van Dijk",
	"activeEnrollment": true,
	"mail": "vandijk.mcw@student.roc.nl",
	"languageOfChoice": [
	"otherCodes": [
			"codeType": "eckid",
			"code": "00000"
    "consumers": [
				"consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
				"preferredName": "Maar",
				"idCheckName": "van Damme, Maartje"
    "offering": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-134564174000",
    "associationType": "componentOfferingAssociation",
    "role": "student",
    "state": "associated",
			"consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
			"extraTimeInMin": 0,
			"personalNeeds": [ ]

Flow 2.4 : Delete students from offering (zitting)

Sequence diagram of request Delete student from offering (zitting)

    loop for each student
        Toetsplanning->>Toetsafname: Delete student from offering (zitting)
        activate Toetsafname
        Note right of Toetsafname: endpoint /ooapi/associations/{associationId} (PATCH state canceled)
        Toetsafname->>Toetsplanning: 200 - Bedankt!
    deactivate Toetsafname

Class diagram of request Delete student from offering (zitting)

For the deletion of a association (deelname) from the offering (zitting) the following entities and attributes are used:

    class Association {
		state : string = "canceled"

Example of request Delete student from offering (zitting)

PATCH endpoint /ooapi/associations/{associationId}

# offeringId = "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-134564174000"
# associationId = "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174001"

    "associationType": "componentOfferingAssociation",
    "state": "canceled"


Flow 2.5 : Delete offering (zitting)

Sequence diagram of request Delete offering (zitting)

    Toetsplanning->>Toetsafname: Delete offering (zitting)
    activate Toetsafname
    Note right of Toetsafname: endpoint /ooapi/offerings/{offeringId} (PATCH offeringState canceled)
    Toetsafname->>Toetsplanning: 200 Bedankt!
    deactivate Toetsafname

Class diagram of request Delete offering (zitting)

    class Offering {
		consumers : nl-test-admin-Offering
    class `nl-test-admin-Offering` {
    	consumerKey : string = "nl-test-admin"
		offeringState : OfferingStateType = "canceled"
    Offering o-- `nl-test-admin-Offering`

Example of request Delete offering (zitting)

PATCH endpoint /ooapi/offerings/{offeringId}

# offeringId = "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-134564174000"

    "offeringType": "component",
    "consumers": [
    	  "consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
    	  "offeringState": "canceled"



Flow 2.6 : Read current state of the offering (zitting)

To see/check the current state of the offering (zitting) with its associations the following endpoint can be used at Toetsafname

    Toetsplanning->>Toetsafname: A. Read current state of the offering (zitting)
    activate Toetsafname
    Note right of Toetsafname: endpoint /ooapi/offerings/{offeringId} (GET)
    Toetsafname->>Toetsplanning: 200 - here it is!
    Toetsplanning->>Toetsafname: B. Read the students and employees for offering (zitting)
    activate Toetsafname
    Note right of Toetsafname: endpoint /ooapi/offerings/{offeringId}/associations (GET)
    Toetsafname->>Toetsplanning: 200 - here they are!
    deactivate Toetsafname

example of request A. Read current state of the offering (zitting)

GET /ooapi/offerings/{offeringId}

   "offeringId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-134564174000",
   "primaryCode": {
      "codeType": "offeringCode",
      "code": "Remindo_rekenen_MBO-3_op_woendag_middag_21-jun-22_om_13:00_in_lokaal_13"
   "offeringType": "component",
   "name": [
         "language": "nl-NL",
         "value": "20220621-12:45-Remindo rekenen MBO-3"
   "description": [
         "language": "nl-NL",
         "value": "Beschrijving van 20220621-12:45-Remindo rekenen MBO-3"
   "teachingLanguage": "nld",
   "modeOfDelivery": [
   "resultExpected": true,
   "consumers": [
        "consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
		"duration": 60,  #je hebt duration nodig als je flexibele periodes hebt.
		"safety": ["fixedLocation", "surveillance"]
		"offeringState": "active",
   "startDateTime": "2022-06-21T12:45:00",
   "endDateTime": "2022-06-21T13:45:00"

example of request B. Read the students and employees for offering (zitting)

GET /ooapi/offerings/{offeringId}/associations

   "pageSize": 10,
   "pageNumber": 1,
   "hasPreviousPage": false,
   "hasNextPage": false,
   "totalPages": 8,
   "items": [
		"associationId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
    	"associationType": "componentOfferingAssociation",
    	"role": "student",
    	"state": "associated",
				"consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
				"attendance": "notKnown",
				"extraTimeInMin": 30,
				"personalNeeds": [
    	"person": {
			"personId": "111-2222-33-4444-222",
					"codeType": "studentNumber",
					"code": "1234567"
			"givenName": "Maartje",
			"surnamePrefix": "van",
			"surname": "Damme",
			"displayName": "Maartje van Damme",
			"activeEnrollment": true,
			"mail": "vandamme.mcw@student.roc.nl",
			"languageOfChoice": [
			"otherCodes": [
					"codeType": "eckid",
					"code": "00000"
			"consumers": [
						"consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
						"preferredName": "Maar",
						"idCheckName": "van Damme, Maartje"
    	"offering": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-134564174000",


Flow 2.7 : : Get startup URL from the testing application

To get the startup url for a person attending a specific flow the URL that is part of the offering assocation can be requested

    Toetsplanning->>Toetsafname: A. Obtain the URL for the specific person - offering combination 
    activate Toetsafname
    Note right of Toetsafname: endpoint /associations/{associationId}/url (GET)
    Toetsafname->>Toetsplanning: 200 - here it is!
    deactivate Toetsafname

example of request get URL for specific association (zittingsdeelname)

GET /associations/{associationId}/url