After a test is taken the results for each participant are returned to the Toetsplanning application. This can be updated many times, also with partial information. for example : first attendance information, a few weeks later the results and finally the final results (as determined by the exam committee).
This Flow supports the following processes:
participant Toetsplanning
participant Toetsafname
loop for each student
Toetsafname->>Toetsplanning: Send attendance and result directly
activate Toetsplanning
Note right of Toetsplanning: endpoint /ooapi/associations/{associationId} (PATCH)
Toetsplanning->>Toetsafname: 200 - OK!
deactivate Toetsplanning
class Association {
result : Result
class Result {
state : string
pass : string
comment : string
score : string
resultDate : date
consumers : nl-test-admin-Result
weight : integer
class `nl-test-admin-Result` {
consumerKey : string = "nl-test-admin"
attendance : string
assessorId : string
assessorCode : string
irregularities : string
final : boolean
rawScore : integer
maxRawScore : integer
testDate: string
documents : Document[]
class Document {
documentId : string
documentType : string
documentName : string
Association o-- Result
Result o-- `nl-test-admin-Result`
`nl-test-admin-Result` o-- Document
PATCH /associations/{associationId}
"associationType": "componentOfferingAssociation",
"result": {
"state": "completed",
"pass": "unknown",
"comment": "string",
"score": "9",
"resultDate": "2020-09-28",
"consumers": [
"consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
"attendance": "present",
"assessorId": "05035972-0619-4d0b-8a09-7bdb6eee5e6d",
"assessorCode": "JAJE",
"irregularities": "Jantje heeft gespiekt."
"final": true,
"rawScore": 65,
"maxRawScore": 75,
"testDate": "2020-09-28",
"documents": [
"documentId": "123454",
"documentType": "assessmentForm",
"documentName": "Assessment form for Jake Doe.pdf"
"weight": 100,
The result may be send with status “in progress”, “postponed”, “queued”, but must be sent when status changes to “completed”. The result in state “completed” can be replaced by another result (for instance when a test item is cancelled), usually also in state “completed”.
participant Toetsplanning
participant Toetsafname
loop for each student
Toetsafname->>Toetsplanning: A. Send attendance for student directly
activate Toetsplanning
Note right of Toetsplanning: endpoint /ooapi/associations/{associationId} (PATCH)
Toetsplanning->>Toetsafname: 200 - OK!
deactivate Toetsplanning
loop for each student
Toetsafname->>Toetsplanning: B. Send result for student
activate Toetsplanning
Note right of Toetsplanning: endpoint /ooapi/associations/{associationId} (PATCH)
Toetsplanning->>Toetsafname: 200 - OK!
deactivate Toetsplanning
class Association {
result : Result
class Result {
state : string = "in progress"
resultDate : date
consumers : nl-test-admin-Result
class `nl-test-admin-Result` {
consumerKey : string = "nl-test-admin"
attendance : string
Association o-- Result
Result o-- `nl-test-admin-Result`
PATCH /associations/{associationId}
"associationType": "componentOfferingAssociation",
"result": {
"state": "in progress",
"resultDate": "2020-09-27",
"consumers": [
"consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
"attendance": "present",
(see Class diagram in Flow 3.1)
PATCH /associations/{associationId}
"associationType": "componentOfferingAssociation",
"result": {
"state": "completed",
"pass": "unknown",
"comment": "string",
"score": "9",
"resultDate": "2020-09-28",
"consumers": [
"consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
"attendance": "present",
"assessorId": "05035972-0619-4d0b-8a09-7bdb6eee5e6d",
"assessorCode": "JAJE",
"irregularities": "Jantje heeft gespiekt."
"final": true,
"rawScore": 65,
"maxRawScore": 75,
"documents": [
"documentId": "123454",
"documentType": "assessmentForm",
"documentName": "Assessment form for Jake Doe.pdf"
when a result message contains a document reference the file can be downloaded
participant Toetsplanning
participant Toetsafname
loop for each supporting document
Toetsplanning->>Toetsafname: give me the supporting document
activate Toetsafname
Note right of Toetsplanning: endpoint /ooapi/documents/{documentid} GET
Toetsafname->>Toetsplanning: 200 - Here it is!
deactivate Toetsafname
To see/check the current state of the offering with its associations the following endpoint can be used
alt for all students at once
Toetsplanning->>Toetsafname: A. Read results for all students
activate Toetsafname
Note right of Toetsafname: endpoint /ooapi/offerings/{offeringId}/associations (GET)
Toetsafname->>Toetsplanning: 200 - here they all are!
deactivate Toetsafname
else just one student
Toetsplanning->>Toetsafname: B. Read result for student
activate Toetsafname
Note right of Toetsafname: endpoint /ooapi/associations/{associationId} (GET)
Toetsafname->>Toetsplanning: 200 - here it is!
deactivate Toetsafname
GET /offerings/{offeringId}/associations
"pageSize": 10,
"pageNumber": 1,
"hasPreviousPage": false,
"hasNextPage": true,
"totalPages": 8,
"items": [
"associationId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
"associationType": "componentOfferingAssociation",
"role": "student",
"state": "associated",
"remoteState": "associated",
"consumers": [
"consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
"additionalTimeInMin": 30,
"result": {
"state": "completed",
"pass": "unknown",
"comment": "string",
"score": "9",
"resultDate": "2020-09-28",
"weight": 100,
"consumers": [
"consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
"attendance": "present",
"assessorId": "05035972-0619-4d0b-8a09-7bdb6eee5e6d",
"assessorCode": "JAJE",
"irregularities": "Jantje heeft gespiekt."
"final": true,
"rawScore": 65,
"maxRawScore": 75,
"documents": [
"documentId": "123454",
"documentType": "assessmentForm",
"documentName": "Assessment form for Jake Doe.pdf"
"person": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-146734174999",
"offering": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-134564174000"
GET /associations/{associationId}
"associationId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
"associationType": "componentOfferingAssociation",
"role": "student",
"state": "associated",
"remoteState": "associated",
"consumers": [
"consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
"extraTimeInMin": 30,
"personalNeeds": [
"result": {
"state": "completed",
"pass": "unknown",
"comment": "string",
"score": "9",
"resultDate": "2020-09-28",
"weight": 100,
"consumers": [
"consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
"attendance": "present",
"assessorId": "05035972-0619-4d0b-8a09-7bdb6eee5e6d",
"assessorCode": "JAJE",
"irregularities": "Jantje heeft gespiekt."
"final": true,
"rawScore": 65,
"maxRawScore": 75,
"documents": [
"documentId": "123454",
"documentType": "assessmentForm",
"documentName": "Assessment form for Jake Doe.pdf"
"person": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-146734174999",
"offering": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-134564174000"