Flow 4 : Transfer offering report (zittingsverslag) when test is taken

After the test has finished the offering report (zittingsverslag) including irregularities is sent to Toetsplanning. This contains structured data as uploaded documents, e.g. session report (processverbaal), AAR with signatures, etc.

This Flow supports the following processes:

Flow 4.1 : Send attendance and offering report directly (automated scored tests)

    participant Toetsplanning
    participant Toetsafname

    Toetsafname->>Toetsplanning: here is the offering report (zittingsverslag)
    activate Toetsplanning
    Note right of Toetsplanning: endpoint /ooapi/offerings/{offeringID} (PATCH)
    Toetsplanning->>Toetsafname: 200 - OK!
    deactivate Toetsplanning

example of result message

#PATCH /offerings/{offeringID}

   "offeringType": "component",
   "consumers": [
        "consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
        "irregularities": "There was a lot of noise from the construction site nearby.",
        "documents": [
            "documentId": "454566464665355545",
            "documentType": "sessionReport",
            "documentName": "Session report on Session tbd.pdf",


Flow 4.2 : Read current state of zittingsverslag

To see the current state of the offering the following endpoint can be used

  Toetsplanning->>Toetsafname: Give me the offering report (zittingsverslag)
  activate Toetsafname
  Note right of Toetsafname: endpoint /ooapi/offerings/{offeringID} (GET)
  Toetsafname->>Toetsplanning: 200 - here it is (and all other information as well)!
  deactivate Toetsafname