This flow can only be used for test enrollment (ComponentOfferingAssociation) originating from flow 1 where the Deelnemerregistratie has indicated that it expects results by setting the attribute “resultsExpected” to true. Only in these situations results can be unambiguously related to a test enrollment (ComponentOfferingAssociation) within the Deelnemerregistratie.
After Toetsplanning has received the result from Toetsafname and done some additional processing, like checking whether there is still an active ComponentOfferingAssociation for the test and the score to be provided to the Deelnemerregistratie fits into the resultValueType provided by the Deelnemerregistratie, the result is sent back to the Deelnemerregistratie using this flow.
We distinguish two types of result information flows to Deelnemerregistratie:
This Flow supports the following processes:
Toetsplanning sends the tes tresult information to Deelnemerregistratie. Toetsplanning indicates for which test enrollment (ComponentOfferingAssociation) this result information is.
TPS uses the next operation en endpoint for sending the test result, that is test attendance information or test score, to Deelnemerregistratie:
PATCH /ooapi/associations/{associationId}
participant Deelnemerregistratie
participant Toetsplanning
loop for each student
Toetsplanning->>Deelnemerregistratie: Send result update
activate Deelnemerregistratie
Note right of Deelnemerregistratie: endpoint /ooapi/associations/{associationId} (PATCH)
Deelnemerregistratie->>Toetsplanning: 200 - OK!
deactivate Deelnemerregistratie
class Association {
consumers : nl-test-admin-Association
result : Result
class `nl-test-admin-Association` {
consumerKey : string
orgAssociationId: UUID
attempt: integer
class Result {
state : string
pass : string
comment : string
score : string
resultDate : date
consumers : nl-test-admin-Result
weight : integer
class `nl-test-admin-Result` {
consumerKey : string
attendance : string
executedOfferingName: string
assessorId : string
assessorCode : string
irregularities : string
final : boolean
rawScore : integer
maxRawScore : integer
testDate: string
documents : Document[]
class Document {
documentId : string
documentType : string
documentName : string
Association o-- Result
Association o-- `nl-test-admin-Association`
Result o-- `nl-test-admin-Result`
`nl-test-admin-Result` o-- Document
PATCH /associations/{associationId}
"consumers": [
"consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
"orgAssociationId": "5a52f86b-edcd-4f7f-9ea9-c8617f6043b6"
"attempt": 2
"result": {
"state": "in progress",
"resultDate": "2020-09-28",
"consumers": [
"consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
"attendance": "present",
"assessorId": "05035972-0619-4d0b-8a09-7bdb6eee5e6d",
"assessorCode": "JAJE",
"irregularities": "Jantje heeft gespiekt."
"testDate": "2020-09-29",
"documents": [
"documentId": "123454",
"documentType": "assessmentForm",
"documentName": "Assessment form for Jake Doe.pdf"
PATCH /associations/{associationId}
"consumers": [
"consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
"orgAssociationId": "5a52f86b-edcd-4f7f-9ea9-c8617f6043b6"
"attempt": 2
"result": {
"state": "completed",
"pass": "unknown",
"comment": "string",
"score": "9",
"resultDate": "2020-09-28",
"consumers": [
"consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
"attendance": "present",
"assessorId": "05035972-0619-4d0b-8a09-7bdb6eee5e6d",
"assessorCode": "JAJE",
"irregularities": "Jantje heeft gespiekt."
"final": true,
"rawScore": 65,
"maxRawScore": 75,
"testDate": "2020-09-29",
"documents": [
"documentId": "123454",
"documentType": "assessmentForm",
"documentName": "Assessment form for Jake Doe.pdf"
In this flow a new test opportunity (ComponentOfferingAssociation) is sent to Deelnemerregistratie, this test opportunity is related to the test enrollment (ComponentOfferingAssociation) in flow 1. Therefore, Toetsplanning creates an association per attempt and indicates per result for which attempt this result is.
TPS uses the next operation en endpoint for sending the test attempt result, that is attempt attendance information or attempt score, to Deelnemerregistratie:
PUT /ooapi/associations/{associationId}
participant Deelnemerregistratie
participant Toetsplanning
loop for each student
Toetsplanning->>Deelnemerregistratie: Send attempt result
activate Deelnemerregistratie
Note right of Deelnemerregistratie: endpoint /ooapi/associations/{associationId} (PUT)
Deelnemerregistratie->>Toetsplanning: 200 - OK!
deactivate Deelnemerregistratie
class Association {
associationId : UUID
associationType : associationType
role : associationRole
state : state
consumers : nl-test-admin-Association
result : Result
person : personId or Person
offering : offeringId
class `nl-test-admin-Association` {
consumerKey : string
orgAssociationId: UUID
attempt: integer
class Result {
state : string
pass : string
comment : string
score : string
resultDate : date
consumers : nl-test-admin-Result
weight : integer
class `nl-test-admin-Result` {
consumerKey : string
attendance : string
executedOfferingName: string
assessorId : string
assessorCode : string
irregularities : string
final : boolean
rawScore : integer
maxRawScore : integer
testDate: string
documents : Document[]
class Document {
documentId : string
documentType : string
documentName : string
Association o-- Result
Association o-- `nl-test-admin-Association`
Result o-- `nl-test-admin-Result`
`nl-test-admin-Result` o-- Document
PUT /associations/{associationId}
"associationId": "5a52f86b-edcd-4f7f-9ea9-c8617f6043b6",
"associationType": "componentOfferingAssociation",
"role": "student",
"state": "associated",
"consumers": [
"consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
"orgAssociationId": "5a52f86b-edcd-4f7f-9ea9-c8617f6043b6"
"attempt": 2
"result": {
"state": "completed",
"pass": "unknown",
"comment": "string",
"score": "9",
"resultDate": "2020-09-28",
"consumers": [
"consumerKey": "nl-test-admin",
"attendance": "present",
"assessorId": "05035972-0619-4d0b-8a09-7bdb6eee5e6d",
"assessorCode": "JAJE",
"irregularities": "Jantje heeft gespiekt."
"final": true,
"rawScore": 65,
"maxRawScore": 75,
"documents": [
"documentId": "123454",
"documentType": "assessmentForm",
"documentName": "Assessment form for Jake Doe.pdf"
"person": "500e6ac0-b5ab-4071-a207-7983ccd26f7b",
"offering": "5ffc6127-debe-48ce-90ae-75ea80756475",
The difference in this attempt result between attendance information or attempt score is the same as in the previous test result flow (Flow 5.1): the attendance information lacks the score information like attributes score (in Result) and final, rawScore and maxRawScore (in Result.consumers).
Important attributes: