
NED-OOAPI - Programma OKE - MBO standard to organise tests and exams based on OOAPI

All information in this repository is draft. No rigths can be claimed based on this information The standards can change without notice until they are finalised and approved


A typical school uses a broad range of exam and testing tools. The aim of this specification is to abstract these tools and focus on the messages that are interchanged between these tools. An over all example can be found in the folowing image.


Structure of this repository

This repository consists of the following elements:

The specification and the relevant information can be found in the link: OOAPI Specification relevant to this project An adapted and shortend version of the yaml file for the MBO-OKE can be found here

Working Documents

Version history

Version Date Status Author Comment
0.1 1-31 may 2022 DRAFT @mcginkel  
0.2 14 jul 2022 DRAFT @mcginkel and many others flow 0,2,3,4 defined
0.3 13 sep 2022 DRAFT @mcginkel and many others flow 6 added, technical refrence added
0.4 12 jan 2023 DRAFT @JosVanDerArend and many others details added and review comments solved
0.5 29 mar 2023 DRAFT @JosVanDerArend and many others details added and review comments solved for pilot 1
0.8 10 jul 2023 DRAFT @JosVanDerArend and many others flow 1 and 5 added for pilots 2 and 3
0.9 24 aug 2023 DRAFT @JosVanDerArend and many others details added and review comments solved for pilots 2 and 3
0.9.1 22 sep 2023 DRAFT @JosVanDerArend and many others details added and review comments solved for pilots 2 and 3
0.9.2 14 nov 2023 DRAFT RELEASE @JosVanDerArend and many others details added and review comments solved
0.9.3 10 jan 2024 DRAFT RELEASE @JosVanDerArend and many others groupmembers added for ad-hoc tests
0.9.4 6 september 2024 DRAFT RELEASE @JosVanDerArend and many others final corrections and clarifications
1.0 18 september 2024 FINAL RELEASE @JosVanDerArend and many others final corrections and clarifications

This repository is an initiative of the MBO Digitaal and NED.


This standard is developed by members from schools, software partners and NED. The contributors are:

Name Organization contact
Henk Knevelbaard Alfa-college h.knevelbaard@alfa-college.nl
Hans Swart Alfa-college - NED jg.swart@alfa-college.nl
Jonas de Graaff Caci (Osiris) jonas.de.graaff@caci.nl
Youri van Pinxteren Caci (Osiris) youri.van.pinxteren@caci.nl
Erik Degen Coöperatie Examens MBO Erik.degen@examensmbo.nl
Jeroen van Waes Examenservices jvanwaes@webedu.nl
Kees van Ginkel Topicus (EduArte) @mcginkel - kees@vanginkels.com
Ton Weenk Topicus (EduArte) ton.weenk@Topicus.nl
John Schols Topicus (EduArte) john.schols@Topicus.nl
Jos van der Arend Kennisnet J.vanderArend@kennisnet.nl
Rob Vos NED r.vos@mbodigitaal.nl
Nelleke Lafeber NED n.lafeber@mboraad.nl
Roan Boer Rookhuiszen Paragin roan@paragin.nl
Ellen Kieviet – Hoegen Dijkhof ROC Amersfoort/NED hgf@mboamersfoort.nl
Mark Leummens ROC van Amsterdam m.leummens@rocva.nl
Marga Schoneveld - Kerkhof ROC van Amsterdam m.schoneveldkerkhof@rocva.nl
Joost van der Velden ROC Midden Nederland joost.vandervelden@rocmn.nl
Annemieke Gijsberts ROC Midden Nederland a.gijsberts@rocmn.nl
David Vermeulen ROC Midden Nederland d.vermeulen@rocmn.nl
Michiel Rotteveel SPL M.Rotteveel@stichtingpraktijkleren.nl
Ellen Zoegaard SPL E.Zoegard@stichtingpraktijkleren.nl
Sjoerd Zonneveld SPL szonneveld@bitpatroon.nl
Werner Richelle Summa College w.richelle@summacollege.nl
Ronald Ham Surf / R4Arhictecture Ronald.ham@r4architecture.nl
Rene Rutte Xebic rrutte@xebic.com